Chemical plants

The chemical plant engineering is a specialized area for the realization of constructions for the production of chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical products.

Power engineering constructions

The power engineering is an engineering science dealing with the interdisciplinary topic of energy. Main content are the technologies for efficient, safe, environmentally, friendly and economic recovery, transformation, transportation, storage, and use of energy in all its forms. The focus is on the effort to achieve a high yield of useful energy, i.e. to maximize the efficiency while minimizing the negative side effects onto humans, nature and the environment.

Extraction technology

The extraction technology is concerned with the conception, design, planning and execution of facilities for the transportation of general cargo or bulk.

Life science

Life science describes all the equipment and techniques that are used for the production of food for humans and animals. This includes biological processes and the area of agricultural technology.

Our range of services also includes the planning and construction of vertical farm systems. In these plants, salads, herbs and vegetables are grown, harvested and processed under optimal conditions.

The quality, the taste and the ingredients of the products are optimally adjusted to the plants through the atmosphere, the light and the nutrients.

The system is characterized by minimal use of water (approx. 90% less than in outdoor cultivation) and no use of pesticides. The products can be produced locally.


We also deal with the departments of building mills, grain and feed technology, design and calculate new systems or machines, extensions or even entire new construction of mills.


Especially quality requirements are in the foreground of this field. They must have already been considered during the planning period.

Construction Chemicals

Under Construction Chemicals refers to floor screeds, tile adhesives, grouts and other, mainly on cement or gypsum based compounds and mixtures. The process plants for the production of such compositions requires a high dosing of bulk materials which are weighted, mixed and stored in silos. The required materials and products for that are often very abrasive and prone to dust explosions.

Waste Management

The collection, treatment and recovery, also in incineration plants, waste of all kinds will be processed by us. Long-standing expertise we can offer you.

Biological fuels

Biomass to Liquid (BTL), bioethanol and biodiesel are the main products of this department.

Biogas plants

The ekcentec GmbH will assist you with advice and assistance in setting up your biogas plant.

If you want to build a biogas plant, whether wet or dry fermentation, we can assist you from the first step until following. The essential information about economics, approval ability biological processes on your input materials as well as coordinated with the preliminary planning are important decision criteria and shows the feasibility.

In the further project parts we can produce at the commissioning of plant engineers, their control or even as a plant manufacturer, to offer a coordinated system for you to start-up and the biological support.

New entry systems are also designed for difficult feed stocks.

Biomass power plants

The ekcentec GmbH plans on complete biomass power plants for diverse input materials.

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A photovoltaic system, also called PV system, is a solar power plant. In the solar cell a portion of the solar radiation, is converted into electrical energy. The typical case/type of energy conversion is called photovoltaics.

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ekcentec GmbH
Lindenweg 9a
15378 RĂĽdersdorf b. Berlin